Tina Turner Knits - Fiber Arts Festival
Saturday, February 7th, 2026 from 10am - 4pm
Our annual Fiber Arts Festival will be highlighting a variety of local artisans.

This is the perfect chance to grab your knitting friends and find inspiration for your next project!
Location: RIT Inn and Conference Center(Click the link for directions) - 5257 W Henrietta Rd, Henrietta, NY 14467, USA

Entry Fee: $5 per person.

A raffle will be held to benefit the RCSD East High School Food Pantry. Items donated by the vendors.

Interested in being a Vendor? Please contact Tina at: knittingcircle@tinaturnerknits.com

Previous Vendors Included:

Birch Tree Fibers Arts 
By Kate! 
Chippy’s Knittery
DnD Fibers
Embraceable Ewe
Firefly Farm
Frame Arts Flowers
Fuzzy Bunny
Hand Candy Mittens
Hearth and Heather
Keep Em Going Farm
Keller Krafted
Knit For You!
Lift Bridge Yarn
Little Loopy
Longmeadow Farm
M2 Baked Goods
Manic Punk Fibers
Megs and Co. Boutique Yarns
Nistock Farm
Oswego Fiber Works
Pear Tree Fiber Arts
Periwinkle Sheep
Pinnacle Pottery
SanGer-La Alpacas
Sheep on the Rainbow
Strings and Things
The Knotty Buffalo
Whispering Pines
Woolly Acres Maple Farm
World’s Smallest Yarn Shop
Zanie Crafts

Vendor Highlights

Lift Bridge Yarn

No stranger to the Greater Rochester fiber arts community, Lift Bridge Yarn will be bringing a selection of products from their Fairport-based yarn shop. Check out their booth for various knitting & crocheting supplies as well as a selection of beautiful yarns.


Pinnacle Pottery

Crafting beautiful pieces, Pinnacle Pottery will be bringing along their wares. From plates to French butter keepers, vases, bowls and more you are sure to find something to add to your cupboard!

Etsy Shop

Keep Em Going Farm
As an experienced crocheter and spinner, Keep Em Going Farm, has a variety of roving from Cormo sheep and even spindle-spun yarn - done with a drop spindle! Check out her booth on February 27th!

Firefly Farms
In business for over 20 years, Firefly Farm products are paraben-free, not tested on animals and made from natural ingredients. They have a wide variety of soaps, lotions, lip balms and salt scrubs and you are sure to find a scent that you’ll love.
Check out their website here to get your shopping list together!

Megs and Co Boutique Yarns
Megs and Co creates high quality designer accessories and yarns that are both functional and timeless. Balancing wearability with quality, they will be bringing a great selection of wares to the festival!
Check out her etsy shop to see for yourself!
Etsy Shop

Whispering Pines Farm
Whispering Pines farm is home to a fiber artist who not only raises Shetland sheep but also processes and spins her own wool. Creating beautiful handspun yarns, most of which are left in their natural tones - Whispering Pines will complement any yarn stash! She will also be bringing Majacraft wheels as well as kits, felting and more!

Pear Tree Fiber Arts
As one of our local Indie Dyers, Pear Tree Fiber Arts is bringing a great collection of hand-dyed yarns. These one-of-a-kind dyelots will ensure that you keep your stash fresh. Stop by her booth to pick a unique skein or two… or three!
Check out her latest creations here.

Zanie Crafts
Indie dyers come in all different types - Zanie Crafts is a great example of how Indie dyers are not only limited to yarn but also other fabrics and mediums! Creating a variety of hand-dyed wet-felted products including earrings, brooches and yarn bowls as well as yarn, this is a great booth to stop by to get a gift for your fiber-loving friend(s).
Get a taste of she has on her website, click here.

The Fuzzy Bunny
Just as cuddly as their name implies, The Fuzzy Bunny has a broad range of fuzzy hand dyed yarn and fiber in a wonderful array of colors. To round out their selection, they also have beautiful handmade soaps as well as various knitting supplies, including needles.
Check out their website ahead of time - fuzzybunnyyarn.com!

Longmeadow Farms
Also a sheep to yarn fiber artist, Sandy Long has turned her favorite past time into a fully fledged business. Raising Romney and Natural Colored Longwool Sheep, Sandy features a wide variety of colorways especially earth and jewel tones. Make sure to check out her diverse selection here to compile your shopping list ahead of time!
For website click here

A Fiber Arts Festival regular, BirchTreeFiberArtsCo was founded in order to take control of their own knitting projects and has since quickly expanded to include an array of wonderful yarns. Check out their booth and find the perfect yarn for your next project!
Click here for their online shop

By Kate!
With all these new projects in your shopping cart, you will need something to carry them around in. By Kate! will be bringing handmade fabric bags to store your new stash additions. Check out her facebook to get a sneak peak
Click here